Peer Review Process

The TMP Universal Journal of Law, Business, and Management (UJLBM) employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality, integrity, and originality of all submissions. This process maintains the highest standards of academic publishing by ensuring that manuscripts are evaluated based on merit, relevance, and contribution to the fields of law, business, and management.

Key Features of the Peer Review Process

  1. Double-Blind Review:
    • The identities of both authors and reviewers are kept anonymous to ensure impartiality and eliminate bias.
    • This approach fosters an objective evaluation based solely on the content of the manuscript.
  2. Transparency and Integrity:
    • Manuscripts are evaluated against clear, predefined criteria, such as relevance to the journal’s scope, originality, methodological rigor, and quality of presentation.
    • Feedback from reviewers is constructive, aimed at improving the quality of the manuscript.
  3. Timely Review Process:
    • UJLBM strives to provide timely feedback to authors, balancing thorough evaluations with the need for an efficient review cycle.

Steps in the Peer Review Process

  1. Initial Submission Check:
    • The editorial team performs a preliminary assessment to ensure that the submission meets the journal’s scope, formatting guidelines, and ethical standards.
    • Manuscripts that do not comply are returned to the authors for revisions before proceeding.
  2. Assignment of Reviewers:
    • Manuscripts passing the initial check are assigned to at least two expert reviewers with relevant expertise in the subject area.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their qualifications, experience, and absence of conflicts of interest.
  3. Review Process:
    • Reviewers assess the manuscript against the following criteria:
      • Originality and significance of the research.
      • Methodological soundness.
      • Relevance to the journal’s scope.
      • Clarity and organization of the manuscript.
      • Contribution to existing knowledge or practice.
    • Reviewers provide detailed comments, including recommendations for acceptance, minor or major revisions, or rejection.
  4. Editorial Decision:
    • The editorial board evaluates reviewer feedback and makes a decision:
      • Accept: The manuscript meets all standards and is ready for publication.
      • Minor Revisions: Requires small changes; once revised, it is typically reviewed by the editor alone.
      • Major Revisions: Substantial changes are needed; the revised manuscript is sent back to reviewers for re-evaluation.
      • Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal’s criteria for publication.
  5. Author Notification:
    • Authors receive the decision along with reviewers’ comments and recommendations. Constructive feedback is provided to help authors improve their work.
  6. Post-Acceptance:
    • Accepted manuscripts undergo final copyediting, formatting, and proofreading before publication.

Reviewer Selection Criteria

UJLBM carefully selects reviewers to ensure the quality and credibility of the peer review process. Reviewers are:

  • Experts in the relevant subject area with strong academic or professional credentials.
  • Individuals with no conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript or its authors.
  • Committed to providing unbiased, constructive feedback within the stipulated timeframe.

Ethical Considerations

UJLBM adheres to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for the peer review process. Reviewers are expected to:

  • Maintain confidentiality about the manuscript and its content.
  • Provide honest, objective, and respectful feedback.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest promptly.


  • Initial Decision: Within 2 weeks of submission.
  • Peer Review Completion: 4-6 weeks from the assignment of reviewers.
  • Final Decision: Within 1 week after receiving all reviewer reports.

Benefits to Authors

  • Constructive feedback to enhance the quality of manuscripts.
  • Timely decisions to support academic progress.
  • Publication in a reputable, multidisciplinary journal with global reach.

For more details or to submit your manuscript, visit our website: https://ujlbm.twistingmemoirs.com.