Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy for UJLBM

TMP Universal Journal of Law, Business, and Management (UJLBM) is committed to ensuring the integrity and originality of the research published within the journal. We uphold high ethical standards and rigorously monitor submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. This Plagiarism Policy outlines the procedures and responsibilities regarding plagiarism in the manuscript submission process.

  1. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper acknowledgment or citation. This includes:

  • Copying text, figures, or data from other sources without proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing someone’s work without proper credit.
  • Reproducing portions of previously published works, including one’s own, without proper citation (self-plagiarism).
  • Submitting previously published work as new or original.
  1. Plagiarism Detection
  • UJLBM uses plagiarism detection software to assess the originality of all submitted manuscripts. This includes checking for similarities against a wide database of scholarly articles, books, and other publications.
  • Authors are required to ensure that their manuscripts are free of plagiarism and properly cite all sources, including quotes, paraphrased material, and data.
  1. Responsibilities of Authors
  • Authors must guarantee that the manuscript they submit is their original work and that any sources used in the article are properly cited.
  • Authors are responsible for checking their manuscripts for any potential plagiarism before submission and correcting any instances of improper citation or self-plagiarism.
  • UJLBM recommends authors to properly reference all borrowed content, including ideas, theories, data, and textual passages, whether directly quoted or paraphrased.
  1. Handling of Plagiarism Cases
  • If plagiarism is detected in a manuscript, the UJLBM editorial team will take appropriate actions based on the severity of the plagiarism.
    • Minor Plagiarism: In cases where plagiarism is identified in a small section (e.g., less than 20%) of the manuscript, the author(s) will be asked to make the necessary revisions to correct the issue and properly cite the source(s). The revised manuscript may then be resubmitted for review.
    • Moderate Plagiarism: If the plagiarism is more substantial (between 20% and 40%), the manuscript will be rejected outright, and the authors will be informed of the reason for rejection. The authors may be given an opportunity to revise and resubmit after addressing the issues.
    • Severe Plagiarism: In cases of significant plagiarism (above 40%), the manuscript will be immediately rejected. The authors will be informed that their submission has been flagged for plagiarism, and a record of the incident may be kept in the journal's database. Severe cases of plagiarism may also be reported to the author's affiliated institution or relevant authorities.
  1. Self-Plagiarism
  • Self-plagiarism occurs when authors reuse significant portions of their own previously published work without proper citation or disclosure.
  • UJLBM does not accept manuscripts that constitute self-plagiarism. Authors are required to provide full citations and acknowledge any previous publications when relevant content is reused.
  • Authors should not submit manuscripts that have been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication in another journal.
  1. Ethical Conduct in Research
  • Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines in research, including honesty and transparency in presenting data, results, and sources. All research should be conducted with integrity, and any form of misconduct, including plagiarism, falsification, or manipulation of data, will not be tolerated.
  • UJLBM reserves the right to reject any manuscript found to violate ethical standards or display unethical research practices, including plagiarism.
  1. Reviewer Responsibilities
  • Reviewers are encouraged to report any suspected plagiarism or unethical conduct in the submitted manuscript. They should provide detailed feedback on any concerns they may have regarding the integrity or originality of the work.
  1. Consequences of Plagiarism
  • In addition to manuscript rejection, instances of plagiarism may result in the following consequences:
    • Authors may be prohibited from submitting future manuscripts to UJLBM.
    • A formal notice may be sent to the author's affiliated institution, or the manuscript may be flagged in the academic community.
  • UJLBM takes plagiarism seriously and aims to maintain high academic integrity in its publication process. Any violation of this policy is treated with utmost seriousness and may result in severe consequences for the author(s).
  1. Reporting Plagiarism
  • If an individual believes they have encountered plagiarism in a manuscript published in UJLBM, they should contact the editorial office immediately. All reports will be thoroughly investigated.

This Plagiarism Policy is designed to protect the integrity of the research published in UJLBM and to maintain the highest academic standards. Authors, reviewers, and editors all share the responsibility for upholding these standards.