Patent Consent Policy

Patent Consent Policy for UJLBM

TMP Universal Journal of Law, Business, and Management (UJLBM) recognizes the importance of intellectual property rights and upholds a clear policy on patents related to the research and articles submitted for publication. This Patent Consent Policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of authors regarding patents in their work and how patents are handled within the journal’s publishing framework.

  1. Patent Rights in Published Research
  • Authors submitting articles to UJLBM must confirm that their work does not infringe any patent rights or intellectual property of third parties, unless they have obtained prior written consent from the patent holder(s).
  • Authors must disclose any patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property related to the work at the time of submission.
  1. Disclosure of Patent Applications
  • If the article describes research that is subject to a pending patent application or includes any patentable invention or technology, authors must disclose this information to UJLBM at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Authors are encouraged to provide the following details:
    • The title of the patent application.
    • The patent number (if granted).
    • The country or region where the patent was filed or granted.
    • Any relevant patent holders or collaborators.
  1. Patent Rights and Open Access
  • UJLBM respects authors' rights to their patents and acknowledges the open-access nature of the journal. However, the publication of articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license does not affect the author’s right to their patents.
  • Authors retain full rights to their patented work and can freely license or transfer their patents under their discretion, independent of the publication in UJLBM.
  1. Impact of Publication on Patent Rights
  • Authors should be aware that publishing certain details about their research in an open-access journal may affect the novelty requirement for patent filings in some jurisdictions. Before submitting an article, authors should verify whether publishing the work could impact their ability to obtain patents.
  • UJLBM does not claim any ownership or rights over the patents related to the work published in the journal. The responsibility for managing intellectual property and seeking appropriate patent protection lies solely with the author(s).
  1. Consent to Use Patented Material
  • If an article includes patented material (such as diagrams, figures, or technologies), the author(s) must ensure that appropriate permission has been obtained from the patent holder(s) for its use and inclusion in the article.
  • The author(s) are responsible for securing any necessary consent or licenses related to the use of patented material before submission to UJLBM.
  1. Responsibility of Authors
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that any patentable inventions or technology described in the article are disclosed and managed in compliance with applicable patent laws and regulations.
  • UJLBM cannot assume responsibility for any patent disputes or conflicts that may arise as a result of publication.
  1. Patent Consent and Publication Process
  • By submitting an article to UJLBM, authors provide confirmation that they have disclosed all relevant patent information and have obtained any necessary consents for the use of patented material.
  • The editorial team may request further details or clarification on patent-related issues during the review process, particularly if the article involves innovative technologies or processes.

This Patent Consent Policy ensures that UJLBM maintains clarity and transparency in managing patent-related matters within its publishing framework while respecting authors’ intellectual property rights.