Copyright Grants & Ownership Declaration Policy

Journal Publishing Agreement and Copyright Policy for UJLBM

Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a ‘Journal Publishing Agreement’. An email will be sent to the corresponding author confirming the receipt of the manuscript, along with the ‘Journal Publishing Agreement’ form or a link to the online version of this agreement. The copyright agreement is mandatory and must be confirmed by the corresponding author.

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Copyright Policy

The Author(s) may not publish the article elsewhere without the prior written permission of the publisher, unless it has been significantly altered. The Author(s) warrants that their article is original, except for any excerpts from copyrighted works included with the permission of the copyright holder. The article must not contain any libelous statements and must not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory right, or proprietary right of others.

Publisher, Journal, and Author Rights

In order for Twisting Memoirs Publication and the journal to publish and disseminate research articles, we require publishing rights. This is defined by a publishing agreement between the author and Twisting Memoirs Publication. The agreement covers the transfer or license of the copyright to UJLBM and the journal, while authors retain significant rights to use and share their published articles.

Protecting Author Rights

Copyright serves to protect the specific way an article is written to describe an experiment and its results. Our journals are committed to protecting authors' work and reputation, and we take allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethical disputes, and fraud very seriously.
If an author becomes aware of potential plagiarism, fraud, or infringement, they are encouraged to contact Twisting Memoirs Publication and the journal’s publishing contact, who will liaise with our in-house legal department. Note that certain open-access licenses may permit broader reuse, which may otherwise be considered copyright infringement. For details on how to seek permission to use an article, please refer to our permission page.


The opinions expressed and figures provided in UJLBM are solely the responsibility of the authors. The publisher and the editors bear no responsibility in this regard. Any and all such liabilities are disclaimed.

Ownership and Management

TMP Universal Journal of Law, Business, and Management (UJLBM) is owned by Twisting Memoirs Publication. The journal is managed by a dedicated team of staff under the guidance of the editorial and advisory boards.

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Address for Correspondence

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Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
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